Hi! I'm Amie, the head spinster at The Spinster Life. I write about the difference between the way the world sees single women and the way we see ourselves. Bitter old maids. Crazy cat ladies. Faded beauties. Wasted women.

Stereotypes about single women from movies, books, and TV make the single life look like a scary death sentence. But none of it is true. I go beyond the stereotype and show that being single is something to be celebrated. I'm 100% dedicated to leaving negativity about single women in the 2020s. So dedicated that I also make videos and host a podcast all about how to live your best single life. I talk about how famous spinsters of history lived, talk to authors and experts who know all about single women, and talk about the way media has shaped society's view of single women. I post here on Medium, and on Substack, where I post exclusive content. Sign up for the Substack Newsletter here.

And sometimes stereotypes are true. I do love my dog, Piper, like a child. But she’s very lovable, I can only assume that anyone would feel this way about her.